Note that the below is a link to a free podcast offered by The Tambellini Group as part of our ongoing strategic partnership. For more information on this partnership and The Tambellni Group, please visit here . Smith College is in the early stages of a multi-year plan to transform...
Plan to discuss several examples supporting the presentation topic. Campus Solutions 9.2 upgrade McMaster upgraded their PeopleSoft Campus Solutions application to 9.2 PUM Image 7 to enable the implementation of PeopleSoft Selective Adoption and new features and functionality. They utilized...
2019 Conference Slides CANADA - AF.pptx
As the new school year gets underway here in North America, thoughts turn to learning. Every new learning opportunity comes with both excitement, and just a tinge of fear: "Will I be able to learn this? Do I know what I'm getting into? Does everyone else know more than I do? Are they all smarter...
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The new HR-Communities of Practice (CoP) Office at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is an innovative approach to learning through community building and trust-based, meaningful relationships. This office fosters essential knowledge-sharing, raises important questions, and helps to facilitate...
Our lives are becoming more online and the line between our "work" persona and our "life" persona is fading. Data from wearables, apps in our smartphones, monitors on out nightstands, infrared spectrometers and the like are streaming data about our activities, vital signs, what we eat, and how...
How To Manage Your Talent Through The Digital Disruption Era (2).pptx
Many of us have been through an implementation (or two or three….), reflecting back on each project there are areas where we could have improved. Interestingly, lack of product knowledge, inadequate technical skill sets, and not enough effort from resources are NOT core themes. ...
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