With over 16,000 employees paid each year, and very complex costing, reporting, and configuration requirements, McMaster has come up with some great workarounds for a variety of challenges we have faced as a high-transaction-volume, Canadian institution, using a 'Work Smarter, Not Harder' approach.
This presentation will introduce Academic Standing process at McMaster University that includes the following: 1. How Academic Standing is processed in home-grown Student Information System in the past. Pro and Cons that we had 2. How Academic Standing is evolved when McMaster moved to...
2019 CHEUG SESSION 7049 The evolution of Academic Standing process at McMaster University.pptx
The faculties of the University of Amsterdam had a strong desire to manage their yearly preparation for the curricular processes in a more efficient way. With the introduction of UvANose information concerning programs, curricula, and courses has to be entered only once. After a thorough check...
EMEA 2019 - UvANoses UvA 1.0.pptx
A flexible and configurable admission modelling all built within PeopleSoft Campus Solutions. * Each program has its own admission requirements and specific weighting for the average calculation * The ability to change and add courses to the requirements and the weighting simply by...
2018 Conference Slides CANADA AMI.pptx
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