Over the past year, the McMaster Human Resources department has embarked on a process efficiency journey, to think about the work we are doing, and asking ourselves “what is the best way to do it?” By simplifying and automating our manual processes, our employees can spend time doing value added...
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With over 16,000 employees paid each year, and very complex costing, reporting, and configuration requirements, McMaster has come up with some great workarounds for a variety of challenges we have faced as a high-transaction-volume, Canadian institution, using a 'Work Smarter, Not Harder' approach.
In January 2018, Deakin introduced DeakinAchieve to its Professional staff: Deakin’s performance and development program, using PeopleSoft’s ePerformance module. Deakin opted for a vanilla approach to the implementation, using the delivered version of ePerformance with very few minor low-impact...
MacEwan University has a number of degree programs with various major and minor combinations across faculties. The need arose to transition business processes and PeopleSoft configurations to allow students to submit declarations online themselves for competitive or non-competitive majors and...
Degree Declaration-MacEwan-CHEUG.pptx
We’ve all sat in presentations looking at pretty pictures stating the benefits of using the Fluid interface, but how do you actually go about setting it up in practice? This session aims to give you a practical overview of the Functional skills and knowledge needed to make a success of your own...
A Functional Approach To Implementing Fluid - HEUG EMEA 2017.pptx
Moody Bible Institute needed a systematic approach to finding students’ enrollments that were not required for their degree programs. In using the delivered Academic Advisement components in Campus Solutions, the Institute added a “drip pan” to all Academic Advisement reports to select extra...
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