COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT Student Financials Student Financials is a vibrant community of bursar, financial and technical professionals. The Student community encompasses university Bursar functionality and is responsible for maintaining the student account. The product administers...
This presentation will review the customizations and configuration created to enable the Student Choice Initiative. It will include an overview of the business decisions that were made based on the limited guidance coming from the Ministry and discuss the rationale behind those decisions,...
2019 Conference Slides CANADA 7017.pptx
This presentation will look at some of the key problematic situations which have arisen at McMaster and might also flare up at other institutions. The relevant queries will be reviewed, as will the administrative processes which track the query results.
Forward With Integrity Reports.pptx
This presentation will touch on the areas of qualification, provider enrollment, coverage administration, and PRA reconciliation.
Automagically UHIP.pptx
COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT Student Financials The Student Financials Product Advisory Group is a HEUG-affiliated group that acts in an advisory capacity to the Oracle SF Development team. Additionally, the PAG meets to discuss issues relevant to the Student Financials community, considers the...
In order to take some pressure off the Fees Office staff, to empower students and to save paper, UCT created a self-service proforma function. In this session we will demonstrate the proforma, and discuss.
2019 SAHEUG Self Service Proforma.pptx
Each year Wits is required to do over 16000 manual fee and housing quotations, this was an expensive and time consuming process. Students had to wait for 5 days to get a quotation which in some circumstance were incorrect due to manual/human intervention. Now with the online system via the...
2019 Conference Slides Southern Africa.pptx
MacEwan University is in the process of implementing interest charges for students' outstanding fees. This presentation will outline our business requirements, research into the functionality of the delivered late fees process (delving into the code where PeopleBooks falls short), any challenges...
CHEUG - Late Fee - Interest Charges.pptx
Concordia University has been live with Campus Solutions since January 2015. The awarding process at Concordia involves two very distinct areas of service from Financial Aid to Student Financials and as such processes from those areas were kept distinct. Students found that there was a delay in...
CHEUG 2018 Session 6026.pdf
CS 9.2 PUM Update Image 11 is now available on the PeopleSoft Update Manager (PUM) Home Page (MOS Doc ID 1641843.2) by selecting the Update Image Home Pages tab, choosing Campus Solutions Update Image Home Page and expanding the section CS Update Image Link. Where to learn more: The Campus...
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