Title: WorkCenter of My Universe – Part 4 Author: Chris Lopac, University of Wisconsin-Madison Blog Series Overview: The Featured Topics Education Blog Series is sponsored and hosted by the HEUG Campus Community Advisory Group, with the intention to assist and educate the user community...
Title: WorkCenter of My Universe – Part 3 Author: Chris Lopac, University of Wisconsin-Madison Blog Series Overview: The Featured Topics Education Blog Series is sponsored and hosted by the HEUG Campus Community Advisory Group, with the intention to assist and educate the user community...
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Title: WorkCenter of My Universe – Part 2 Author: Chris Lopac, University of Wisconsin-Madison Blog Series Overview: The Featured Topics Education Blog Series is sponsored and hosted by the HEUG Campus Community Advisory Group, with the intention to assist and educate the user community...
WorkCenters are designed for specific roles and provide a central area for users to access key components and pages and perform daily tasks without leaving the WorkCenter. The goal of the WorkCenter is to increase productivity by grouping access to related transactions in one area (i.e. links to...
This session will introduce how PeopleTools 8.53 Activity Guides have been used to setup a Student Activity Guide for the management of the registration process. Assigning tasks to students to complete their registration via self-service. It will also focus on the setup and use of the Campus...
In this first part of the two part series we will focus on how to boost workcenter usability. Implementing the out of the box Peoplesoft workcenter functionality has already greatly improved system usability for many user groups, assisting them in their daily jobs by working more efficiently...
Workcenter 2.0 - Part I.pptx
Voor iedereen die wil weten wat dat nu eigenlijk is, zo'n workcenter. Wat kun je er mee, met welke onderdelen kun je het opbouwen. Geen voorkennis vereist.
Presentatie workcenters voor dummies EMEA Dutch track online.pdf
Bij de UvA is er een workcenter gemaakt voor de administratie van de aanmelding van een externe Engelse toets, met controle op aanwezigheid (bij afwezigheid moet er een boete betaald worden). Gebruikers van het workcenter hebben minimale SIS kennis nodig.
2015 presentatie IELTS EMEA.pptx
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