
Did you know about Connected Query?

By Anna Kourouniotis posted 03-25-2019 01:24 PM


Did you know that there is a simple way of creating complex queries using the Connected Query reporting tool that was added in version 9.1?  It uses already created queries as its data sets, employing a parent-to-child hierarchy, thus offering an easier way to produce the data, in contrast to creating a complicated query with multiple outer joins. It is an effective data source for BI Publisher reports, allowing you to leverage existing queries for more complex, operational reports for end users. You can build easily a Connected Query using the Quick Start option. Did you also know that there are some pretty cool HEUG presentations already at your disposal? Here are but a few:

Grant Reporting: Leverage BI Publisher and Connected Query to Increase Research Expenditures

Empower your Users with Connected Query

It Pays to be Connected - The Power of Connected Query

Connected Query and BI Publisher: a match made in heaven!

Have you worked with connected query? If so, please reply to this post and share a tip or two!

