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ThinkSpace | Create Real Change - Why Implementations Never Meet Expectations

By Brittany Moon posted 12-01-2021 01:46 PM


Create Real Change | Why Implementations Never Meet Expectations
Wednesday, December 8, 2021 | 2:00 PM EST

1:30 PM (ET) Pre-Mingle Network with fellow attendees and presenters
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM (ET) ThinkSpace session
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM (ET) Post-Mingle Network with fellow attendees and presenters

You have seen the headlines. You have seen the Go-Live celebration posts on LinkedIn. For the team that went live, it is a celebration of the rigorous journey they just went through, but their excitement quickly fades.

As their new journey starts, they recognize the promised transformation still seems far away. They are still using workarounds. Even though some processes are now automated, managing reports and daily tasks are as cumbersome as ever. Nothing seems to have changed.

Why? Why do things still seem the same? Was all the hard work worth it? Join our ThinkSpace as we tackle this issue head-on.

HEUG & The League for Innovation for Community Colleges are collaborating with Beyond Academics to bring you our next ThinkSpace.

We need an open and honest discussion about these unfulfilled promises of transformation that are being put in front of you every day.

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