
Veterans Benenfit Advisor Webcast

By Buddy Combs posted 07-26-2013 07:55 AM


Early in 2011 the SF PAG started planning a work group to address common Veterans issues and identify best practices. This work group was a cross section of various modules (Enrollment, Records, Financial Aid and Student Financials) from several institutions. Over the spring, summer and fall of 2011 this group met to develop and write a Veterans Benefit White Paper. The goal was to develop a comprehensive catalog of improvements to Campus Solutions for Veterans and Post 9/11 benefits processing. The White Paper was submitted in December 2011.

The time is here and we cordially invite you to join the Advisor Webcast: Campus Solutions Veterans Benefit Feature Overview on Thursday August 8, 2013 @ 12 pm ET, 11 am CT, 10 am, MT and 9 am PT. The one-hour session is recommended for technical and functional users who will be using the new Veterans Benefit feature in Campus Solutions.

Topics will include:

  • Setting up Veterans Benefit – How to use Common Attribute Framework and Equation Engine for the feature
  • Defining a Student’s Eligibility Requirements
  • Reviewing and Certifying a Student’s Enrollment
  • Calculating a Student’s Net Tuition and Fees
  • Viewing a Student’s Payment History

Event address for Attendees:

Register for the meeting, then once you are approved you will receive a confirmation email with the instructions for joining the meeting.


