
FA Solutions Center -- Phase 2

By Dana Pawlowicz posted 10-28-2019 06:54 AM


Have you had a chance to check out the FA Solutions Center yet? If not, here is the direct link:

The purpose of this page is to:

  • provide presentations on popular FA related topics
  • links to Oracle documentation
  • answers to commonly asked questions.

We need your help to make our Solutions Center the best we can. Please take some time to respond to this blog posting with the top 3 questions you think would be helpful to answer.

An example might be:
Q: COD has the parent borrower's credit requirement met but it's not loading into PeopleSoft, how can I force it?
Step 1:
Go to Financial Aid > Loans > Direct Lending Management > Override Loan Application Data. Click on the PLUS Credit Override tab. Update your data and hit save.
Step 2:
Go to Financial Aid > Loans > Direct Lending Management > Override Processing Status. Click on Update DL Disb Status, Click on Update Origination button.

Don't worry about providing an answer.   We are just looking for questions to get Phase 2 started.  If you've asked a question recently or if you've answered a question multiple times, please take the time to let us know what that question is so we can get it on the Solutions Center.

Thank you for your assistance. We want this page to provide valuable information that will help new, intermediate and advanced users alike.




12-04-2019 09:50 AM

BI Publisher tips - especially to suppress blank lines

Can you provide any tips on BI Publisher to suppress blank lines?  When we generate the missing information communication, extra line is added between the descriptions of tow checklist items.   

12-03-2019 03:04 PM


Can you provide a list of all the bind records and the tables they are associated?  Thank you!

11-15-2019 02:44 PM

Helpful Hints for Troubleshooting DL validation and origination errors.

Although it may very slightly from school to school, it would be nice to have a document that outlines common DL errors and where and how to go to fix those errors?  Basically, gathering best practices.  

11-13-2019 09:31 AM

FA Term

How do you run FA Term during the year? When do you switch from projections to update only? When do you de-select terms on Setup Financial Aid Term (if ever). What do you use as the FA Census Date if you have multiple sessions during the term (earliest, latest, other)? What do you do for students with a different census (Pell recalc) date than what you have listed in setup? Do you pop update FA Load and Budget Required? Or do you pop update Override Census Date Locking?


11-13-2019 08:37 AM


1. Can you provide aid year rollover reference materials?

2. Is there a comprehensive list of delivered PeopleSoft queries and what they are used for?

3. Is there a list of message errors and how to resolve?


Michelle A. Jackson

Director of Financial Aid Operations

412.624.1664 |


University of Pittsburgh

Office of Admissions and Financial Aid

Financial Aid Wellness Center

130 Thackeray Hall, 139 University Place

Pittsburgh, PA 15260-6601

11-12-2019 05:02 PM


Can you change start and end dates for a term after you start packaging for that term?

Is there a checklist or guide for troubleshooting loan origination and disbursement problems?

Are there training resources to help train new comers to the Financial Aid Module?


10-31-2019 05:15 PM


Can you provide the pathway/reports to identifying ALL failed origination/disbursement records? Both for Pell and DL? I feel like I have 3-4 queries that I run for each, but would like to ensure I know about ALL of the ways to identify failed originations/disbursements.

Thank you!


Ashly Eyler

Financial Aid Counselor of Operations

City University of Seattle

P 206.239.4538

F 206.239.4544