Someone wiser than me once said that the only constant in life is change. That’s not a bad thing. Most, if not all of us are currently going through a period of massive change at our institutions and we are all doing our best to do our jobs while an industry shifts around us.
This year, we’ve realigned the Alliance conference tracks to better reflect the changing advisory structure of the HEUG as well as the challenges that the cloud is bringing us. We hope that these changes make it easier for conference attendees to get more of the information that they have come to depend on gathering at the conference.
What kind of changes are we talking about? First, the technical track will have sub tracks for technical sessions as it always has, but in addition will now contain the Reporting & Business Intelligence sessions as well as the Security and Audit sub track. You’ll also see changes on the finance side where the former General Ledger, Grants, Contracts & Billing, Budgeting and the Procurement to Pay tracks will now all be organized under the Finance track umbrella. In addition to this, the former Customer Experience and Contributor Relations tracks have been combined into a single track called Customer Experience & Advancement (CXA).
For the first time this year, the Cloud track will have 4 focus areas/sub tracks to help organize the information you are looking for: ERP (Finance), HR, Integration as well as Student cloud.
The conference team is very excited about this year’s program. We’re always looking for ways to improve the conference and bring the best content to our communities and conference attendees. In that spirit, we are working on a few things and we may have a few more surprises in store, so stay tuned for further announcements. As always, if you have any questions or ideas for the Alliance conference, don’t hesitate to contact any member of the conference team. We’re eager to hear from you.