
The role of HEUG Advisory Groups

By Paul Czarapata posted 06-30-2011 07:55 AM


I often get questions regarding the roles of the advisory groups and how to get involved. First off, there's 16 advisory groups listed below ranging in subject areas covering the full spectrum of higher education. The most important functions of the advisory groups are bulleted below and detailed in the PAG Charter listed here.

  • Facilitating communication about specific product features, problems, and opportunities.
  • Soliciting feedback from the user community, synthesizing that feedback, and conveying it to Oracle product strategists and developers.
  • Advocating to Oracle, on behalf of the user community, for enhancements, new functionality, and resolutions to problems.
  • Administering the relevant track(s) at the annual Alliance conference (i.e., soliciting, evaluating and selecting proposals, scheduling sessions, collecting feedback, etc.)  

Now that you know a little more about the advisory groups, you're probably thinking - "how do I get involved"? First, you need to be an institutional member, meaning your organization pays the annual dues. For information on the myriad of benefits that come with membership, click here.The nomination process for begins towards the end of August for roughly four weeks. You can self-nominate or have a peer nominate you, just make sure to fill out the survey form completely when it becomes available. The advisory groups look for folks with specific product/tactical knowledge as well as strategic vision to help guide the product strategy of Oracle. If you are selected the commitment can be a bit time consuming, but you get out of it what you put in to it. Being a member of an advisory group provides an opportunity to serve all HEUG constituents, have a direct impact on product priorities, and forge new relationships with kindred spirits across the globe. To see our current HEUG members, give this a click.

HEUG Advisory Groups

  1. Academic Advising
  2. Admissions
  3. Budgeting
  4. Campus Community
  5. Contributor Relations
  6. CRM
  7. E-Business Suite
  8. Financial Aid
  9. General Ledger
  10. Grants, Contracts, & Billing
  11. HRMS
  12. Procurement to Pay
  13. Reporting
  14. Student Financials
  15. Student Records
  16. Technical
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07-02-2011 06:18 PM

Hey Carolee

Spoken by one of the best PAG members I've known!

07-02-2011 05:08 PM


Well said, Paul and I agree working on a PAG on behalf of your specific community is definitely worth the time commitment! you and your institution invest in it.