
Advisory Group Election Information

By Mario Berry posted 09-21-2015 06:10 AM

Higher Education User Group

The HEUG Advisory Groups have represented the core connections between HEUG and Oracle for many years. Their importance to our successes with and relevance to Oracle cannot be overstated.  

In preparation for the Advisory Group Nominations and Elections process later this month, I wanted to provide you with the detail of the Board’s decision regarding open seats for election for the Advisory Groups.

It is important to understand the principles behind these changes:

  • The approach we are taking seeks to balance the need for action with the need to maintain the health and strength of the organisation during the transition.
  • The ultimate goal is NOT to reduce the overall headcount of the Advisory Groups.  Rather it is to restructure/redistribute resources across them.
  • This redistribution is a crucial step for HEUG as we adapt to a changing engagement model with Oracle.
  • This means that some of the existing advisory groups will see a reduction in headcount whilst others may be largely unaffected.
  • As these adjustments occur, new advisory groups and working groups will likely be born.
  • As we work through these changes we want to do so in a sustainable and fiscally responsible manner.


  • The HEUG Board has agreed to use the natural attrition from Advisory Groups this year to move most Advisory Groups to a core of 7 members.  The resource/capacity that this releases will be utilised to form new advisory and work groups - some Cloud-focused.
  • Elections will proceed for those Advisory groups which would fall below 7 members after natural attrition.
  • PAGs remaining above 7 members would not have elections this year.

Please note:

  • A core of 7 members maintains capacity for all the key organisational roles to be filled (Chair, Track Chair, PET Co-ordinator etc).
  • Exceptions to this are TAG, EBS and HRMS.
  • Advisory Groups will be encouraged to work closely with their communities to recruit volunteers/working group members with expertise relevant for specific projects/activities.

The election process for Full Voting members will consist of two phases, a Nomination Process and an Election Process. The Nomination Process will begin with each PAG/TAG compiling a list of the open Full Voting member positions and creating a list of needed skills for each of the open positions. These lists will be submitted to the HEUG Nomination & Elections Committee (N&E) to validate that the skill sets are applicable to a wide category of potential candidates. Once approved, communications will begin through HEUG.Online with a call for nominations listing the open positions and skill sets required. In order to qualify as a candidate, the nominee must be an employee of a paid Institutional Member of HEUG and both the institution and nominee must have up to date profiles on HEUG Online.

Once nominations close, each Advisory Group will review and recommend the qualified nominees for the slate of candidates for election to the HEUG N&E committee for a final check of the eligibility of the slated candidates. If a nominee is considered unqualified to stand for election to the Advisory Group, the N&E committee will consult with both the Advisory Group and the nominee to resolve any issues.

With an approved slate of candidates, the N&E committee will prepare the ballot for the HEUG General Election. The voting process and the concept of weighted votes will be the same as found in the current Board elections conducted through HEUG Online, with one exception. It is imperative that voters for a specific Advisory Group have some level of knowledge of/interest in the issues that involve the Advisory Group in order to vote, so eligibility to vote for a candidate for a specific PAG/TAG will be restricted to those HEUG Members who have subscribed to the specific HEUG listserv related to the PAG or TAG. HEUG Members will need to subscribe to the specific PAG or TAG listserv by October 23, 2015.

Please click on the PAG or TAG below to subscribe to the listserv (you must click on the “subscribe to topic” button):

Technical Advisory Group

The candidate(s) with the greatest number of weighted votes in each Advisory Group category will be elected to the Advisory Group. In order to encourage access to membership in the PAG/TAGs, diversity in Advisory Groups and maximum participation by institutions of the HEUG, each PAG/TAG voting member is elected for a three year term and may be re-elected for an additional three year term through the prescribed election process. An individual is limited to a maximum of 7 years of service on any one PAG/TAG.

Alternate Members are appointed to a one year term by the Advisory Group members following the conclusion of the election process and once new members have been on-boarded.  

Again, please note you have until October 23, 2015 to subscribe to the PAG or TAG listserv. You must be subscribed to the listserv to be eligible to vote on November 16, 2015. If you are looking for more information on the PAG/TAG and what they do, click here to view the group descriptions. If you have questions or need additional information please contact us at


Mario Berry
HEUG President