In the fall of 1997, I was a young(ish) programmer working for PeopleSoft converting an old Uniface "Advancement" module I had worked on, into PeopleTools (7.6!). It would become the first release of the Advancement/Contributor Relations module included in the Campus Solutions suite. The greatest part of that process was that we met with schools on a regular basis to not just convert what we had...but rather to make sure we were solving their problems. We would demo software, talk through specifications, discuss business practices, and still have time for dinner and a few drinks. It was there I also met a lanky fellow PeopleSofter named Lew Conner, who helped organize and wrangle the process together. In the end, this was a year or so of working together, PeopleSoft / Institutions / Programmers / Business what we called the PeopleSoft Advancement Collaborative Development Process (CDP). I still have mementos from that time sitting on my shelf - one of my fondest memories of being a coder.
I bring all this up, as it is really amazing what the HEUG members can do when we work together with our partners. While products grow and change, new products get added (and some get discontinued), it is us working together to help voice opinions on direction, and help other members succeed that has been the core of what we do. The cornerstone of that has been our product and process Advisory Groups. Much like that old CDP process, they work to voice to Oracle business process needs in an ever changing Higher Education technology space...but just as importantly they work to help institutions connect and solve problems, and provide ongoing education, webinars and help on the Alliance program.
So I'm not here to tout what they do...but to say now is the time for you to get involved. Our Advisory Groups are taking nominations, and you as a HEUG member are able to be part of the process. Nominations are now open to join with the over 100 instutions that have a member serving on an AG today.
First, find out more about what our Advisory Groups do!
More Information
AND THEN...GET INVOLVED! Submit your name (or someone else's) into the ring:
Submit a Nomination
The HEUG is what we all make of it together, and this is a great way to get yourself (and your institution) involved. And to anyone that was young(ish) back in 1997 and part of that old CDP, I hope you are all doing well. Reach out and let me know how you are doing.