
Collaboration is what the HEUG is all about!

By Kelly Wilker posted 11-04-2020 05:16 PM


I am sure you all use collaboration in your daily workplaces, but do you ever look at collaborating outside the workplace? 

Collaboration can take many forms but also takes into account ideas, skills, experience, and opinions.  When working together openly, processes and goals become more aligned leading the group towards a higher success rate of achieving a common goal. 

Collaboration in the HEUG world means you, the members, getting together for the same reasons.  Our FIRST ever International Virtual Week is a great example of how we achieved this.  For those that both presented and attended our international sessions in many different time zones, I thank you for making IVW20 a huge success. 

Our annual Alliance 2021 Conference, our biggest collaboration event for HEUG, is literally around the corner.  Whether you are presenting, attending, networking, etc., there is something for all our members.  Remember… we are “leading change together”. 

You don't have to wait for a conference to collaborate with other members. Do you like brainstorming as a group?  Do you like to get together as a team and share ideas and ask questions as you move toward a decision?  Then get involved with one of our many volunteer opportunities.  Our Volunteer Module is expanding with opportunities for everyone whether that be a quick blog post or participating on a planning committee.  It’s a way for you to stay involved, network and grow professionally. 

The STRENGTH of HEUG is the strength of collaboration with our members.  Members working cooperatively with others to our goals in the workplace as well as our goals in personal life!



Kelly Wilker
HEUG VP of Engagement & Chair of Global Council
University of Waterloo