Rules Engine and Evaluation Management setup pages have been used at the institution to setup and configure rules for Postgraduate admissions, based on School criteria, to accept, reject or waitlist students. Rules are configured in Rules Engine through the front end to satisfy the requirements...
Join us in our journey as we deployed some Fluid developments to streamline the graduation process and making sure that all staff actually start working with Campus Solutions. Previously the graduation business process was driven by Excel sheets and examination committee members that refused to...
Most Universities’ internationalisation strategies rely on effectively managing and supporting collaborative activity undertaken by the Institution either on its own or as part of consortia. It is also a requirement that UK Universities maintain a public record of their collaborative activity...
EMEA presentation Celine Reynaud Final.pptx
The session includes a demonstration of what has been written by Visions in their template using the evaluation management system as part of the Admissions process for application evaluations.
2016 SA Conference Slides - EMS.pptx
Hoe zorg je er voor dat een intake “gewoon intake” blijft, maar dat het proces volledig ondersteund wordt door het systeem? Deze presentatie laat zien dat het proces rondom intake eenduidig en inzichtelijk te maken is door middel van workflow. Met behulp van Evaluatiemanagement PS is voor elke...
Presentatie HEUG intake.pptx
Tijdens deze sessie zal de oplossing van Leiden worden besproken, aangevuld met de uitgangspunten van een vergelijkbaar project bij Inholland. Wat ons betreft mag het een interactieve sessie zijn. Waarbij wij graag willen meedenken of de oplossing ook voor ROC’s bruikbaar is.
5337Processen en procesondesteuning studieadvies.pptx
Yesterday, I attended the Campus Solutions April 2013 Bundle Overview (coming soon to the HEUG Education Series Archive). In it, Susan Beidler discussed "Getting Value from the Continuous 'Improvement' Model." And specifically, provided short drilldowns into the following: Mobile Tuition...
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