Advanced Registration Closes TODAY! You still have time to register for Alliance 2017! Advanced registration rates are now in effect for the upcoming conference, February 27 - March 2, 2017 in Las Vegas. Register by the end of the day to receive the discounted rate. Register NOW before...
Happy New Year! 2017 is finally here and that means that we will be in Las Vegas for our conference in less than 2 months! We will be sending out some “Know before you go” information soon so watch for that in your inbox. Early bird registration has finished and we are now into the Advanced...
This is my last blog of 2016. We are moving into the holiday season and it is a time to think about others and find ways to give back. Our Community Service projects at Alliance provide all of us with the opportunity to contribute to both local and international programs. Check them out and...
By the time you read this the deadline to submit a session to Alliance 17 will have passed. It’s always exciting to see what has been put forward and what themes emerge. Be sure to check out the sessions and VOTE so that your track chair knows what your community wants to see ( please note...
How many times have you said, “How do they pick the wonderful sessions for Alliance?”, “How can they possibly choose from so many submissions?”, “Wish I could tell the track chairs the sessions that I really want to see”. Well, this year you can! For a very short period ( Oct 10-14 only ),...
Elvis has left the building… Alliance ’14 is in the bag and what an event it was! There was enough excitement at the conference to compete with the very best that Las Vegas had to offer – not least because Oracle chose to make the announcement about their new investment in products specific...
Alliance recap - A great event, a great announcement and a great week of board activity! Alliance Conference Each year I find the week of the Alliance Conference to be the most productive week of the year for the HEUG as an organization! This year of course is no exception! The event...
This year Oracle made a major announcement at the Alliance conference (see My Oracle Support Doc ID 1630033.1): Oracle is making new, significant investments in Higher Ed solutions that will complement the ongoing investment in functionality to support global Higher Ed operating models in our...
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With Alliance 2014 only weeks away some of us are packing our bags and building our agendas for the Las Vegas event. For those who are unable to attend, I hope you will come to the ANZ Mini HEUG in Adelaide, hosted by the University of South Australia on 12 & 13 May, where we will report on...
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