Hi all.
Looks like we have another great group of individuals representing AA this year. We welcome our two new members, Rebecca Garver and Arthur Whittaker and we will miss Dori McCracken and David Cartwright who have just finished their terms with the AA PAG. Dori and David have both served the PAG well and we thank them for all their hard work.
While reviewing the issue tracker at the PAG Summit, we identified a few areas where there are multiple issues and put the top five forward to Oracle. We were pleased to hear that they are already working on some of them. We, along with Oracle use the information in the issue tracker to determine the items that affect the most people . This is why it is so important for you to vote on and/or add issues to the issue tracker.
Look for more news in future blogs and/or Forum (Listserv) posts.
Hope all those of you at Alliance enjoy our AA sessions! Be sure to submit session evaluations.