How are you all doing? We have all been going through some significant adjustments during the last few weeks. We are adapting to working from home during a global crisis. Managing the work-life balance is now much more challenging for many of us. If you have school age children you may have suddenly become an educator. If you have young children you are getting used to interruptions or a new work schedule to allow you to manage your time. If your children are grown you may be adapting to a more isolated existence, relieved only by virtual contact with your family. I could go on but I think you get the point.
Please make sure you take advantage of programs to help you cope. Most of us have mental health resources provided by our institutions or our health plans. Remember to get up and move - do some stretches, seek an online activity for a home workout that works for you. Take care of yourselves and remember to check in on colleagues, friends and family.
Like many other events, this year's CHEUG in-person conference has had to be cancelled. We are still planning to have our next conference in Montreal but it will now be in 2021. In the meantime, one thing we'd like to do is start featuring our institutions and highlight some of their innovations. Please reach out to me (jbaratta@uwo.ca) and send me some info about something you think others could benefit from or would be interested in learning about.
Stay home, stay safe, be well.
Jane Baratta
CHEUG Secretary