A recent business process re-engineering exercise on Student Financials has been carried out, using the Lean methodology, covering Students' tuition fee, hall charges, scholarships, PGS Studentship etc.. This outcome of the study is to recommend changes in the roles and responsibilities of...
Oracle has released the 9.0 and 9.2 Critical/PRP for Year Round Pell. 9.0 Patch 26326358: FA LEGISLATIVE - YEAR ROUND PELL BEING REINTRODUCED BY FSA Resolution ID: 941133. 9.2 Patch 26492610: FA LEGISLATIVE - YEAR ROUND PELL BEING REINTRODUCED BY FSA. KM Doc ID 2329234.1 Please note...
When Concordia University was doing their Campus Solutions implementation we had a challenge in that there was no delivered needs analysis process for institutionally managed awards. The legacy system served applications for several awards each with its own criteria. Our design efforts resulted...
5035_No More Analysis Paralysis.pptx
Grading is an important part of the academic experience and can cause considerable stress for faculty, staff and students alike. This is why it is imperative that the grading process be fast, straight-forward and efficient. In this session, we will demonstrate the grading process in our...
Grading SOS- The Journey from the Faculty Center to the Transcript.pptx
Campus Solutions 9.0 October 2017 Bundle #47 is now available! Where to learn more : Functional documentation is available for Campus Solutions Bundles on My Oracle Support PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.0 Documentation - Bundles, Feature Packs, Additional Features, and Other...
Desafio na integração das plataformas LIS e SAIP, utilizando as interfaces padrões e customizações adicionais para o correto funcionamento dos webservices, conceito de Bulk e webservice direto, rotinas de funcionalidades voltadas à disciplinas, usuários, matrículas, categorizações e roles.
Campus Solutions 9.0 April 2017 Bundle #45 is now available. Where to learn more : Functional documentation is available for Campus Solutions Bundles on My Oracle Support PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.0 Documentation - Bundles, Feature Packs, Additional Features, and Other Releases ...
As a reminder, the HEUG Board is very interested in receiving as many thoughts and viewpoints around Oracle’s announcement about an accelerated development for the Student Cloud, the new options for migrating directly from Campus Solutions 9.0 into the Student Cloud, and the continued...
The "additional Class information" section is a sub page that can be exposed in the student center. We used the CAF structure to add a calculated tuition field, a fees field , and a drop for refund date field. This is delivered functionality that is configurable not customized.
Permitir al alumno solicitar una revisión de calificación final mediante el sistema. El alumno tiene la facultad y el derecho de solicitar una revisión de calificación, si es que este considera que no es correcta y así poder revisarlo con su profesor para que se realice el cambio si es que es...
LA2016PPT-Sesión-3006 - Solicitud de revisión de examenes.pptx
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