Your vote is important! Your vote selects the dedicated volunteers monitoring our communities, engaging members, and advocating on your behalf. Please take the time to vote for the best candidates to ensure our organization’s continued success and effectiveness into the future! View...
Your involvement in our communities means you have knowledge and interest in the issues our members are facing, and we want to hear from you! Our Advisory Groups are the dedicated volunteers monitoring our communities, engaging members, and advocating on your behalf. Please take the time to...
2021 Advisory Group Elections Recognize your fellow members by nominating them for an Advisory Group! Volunteering as a member of an Advisory Group provides an opportunity for you and your institution to participate in the global membership of the HEUG by sharing your experience and...
HEUG 2020 Board of Directors Election is Now Open! The election for the HEUG Board of Directors (Term 2020-2023) will be open from February 1, 2020, until March 2, 2020. After review by the nominations and elections committee, the top 5 candidates were selected for this year's election...
Voting to elect new Advisory Group members opens today! If you were subscribed to an Advisory Group discussion forum before October 2, 2019, are you eligible to vote. You will be able to vote for as many candidates as seats available. Voting for more candidates than seats available will...
The elections for the for the HEUG Board of Directors (Term 2019-2022) closed February 6, 2019. The HEUG Board of Directors wishes to thank all of the volunteers who were willing to spend the time and energy it takes to help run this organization. The candidates who were elected are: Two...
Dear Members, The election for the HEUG Board of Directors (Term 2019-2022) is now open! The election will be open from January 6, 2019 until February 6, 2019, with those elected being announced shortly thereafter. You have received this email because you are an eligible voter. Please refer...
The month of November signals a pivot point in the HEUG schedule so I wanted to take a moment and catch you up on a number of items. The Canadian conference last week was the last of a long string of successful International/US Regional conferences that started back in April. Now we turn our...
The opportunity to both lead and serve has come once again for qualified HEUG volunteers, to be a member of a superb professional organization. Each year, the Board of Directors of the Higher Education User Group (HEUG) elects new members to serve both their home institution and their...
Dear Members, Voting to elect new Advisory Group members opens today! Please note, you are ONLY eligible to vote for the Advisory Group ballots that you subscribed to prior to September 28, 2018 and must be an Institutional, System or Allied Member. If you subscribed to multiple...
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