BI Publisher allows users to design reports in Microsoft Word and populate the data in them through queries built in PeopleSoft. Although the fundamentals of building a BI Publisher report are often easy to comprehend compared to other technologies, users are often challenged with a few things...
Alliance 2023 - BI Publisher - Tips, Tricks, and Programming to Build a Powerful Report.pptx
Reporting tools have evolved considerably in PeopleSoft. Each tool has a distinct purpose along with limitations on its use. There is no one simple replacement tool now that Crystal reports has been deprecated and SQRs have fallen out of use. The new PeopleSoft Reporting Tool suite is...
Alliance2019 PS Query to Dashboards.pdf
🌟 Calling all data enthusiasts, analytics aficionados, and reporting wizards! 🌟 This is your chance to shine at the upcoming Higher Education User Group Conference. We’re looking for dynamic speakers to share their insights, success stories, and innovative solutions in the world of...
Data, data everywhere, and not a drop to drink!!! We’re surrounded by a wealth of data and the way we parse and present it to make data easily understandable and actionable is the theme of these following presentations. Learn best practice methods to make the most of presenting data. Find out...
Do you know how to find an existing similar query before creating a new one from scratch? The SQL text of PS query is not stored as it is in system but that is generated when you click on the tab of View SQL in Query Manager. If you have access privilege in Query Manager, you can find all...
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Note that the below is a link to a free podcast offered by The Tambellini Group as part of our ongoing strategic partnership. For more information on this partnership and The Tambellni Group, please visit here . The Tambellini Group’s Katelyn Ilkani interviews San Cannon, Associate...
COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT Technical and Reporting The Technical and Reporting Communities are maintained by the Technical & Reporting Advisory Group (TRAG). The TRAG provides advice and guidance on the technology underpinning the (Oracle) software applications used by the Higher...
Once just an ad-hoc reporting and investigation tool, PeopleSoft Query is the foundation of critical PeopleSoft infrastructure including Approval Workflow Engine, Keyword search, Pivot Grid component search, Pivot Grids, and BI Publisher Reports. In this session you will learn tips and tricks to...
ADVISORY GROUP SPOTLIGHT Technical & Reporting (TRAG) Our Mission: Our aim is to support institutions in understanding and managing the heterogeneous systems landscape with a mixture of on-premise and ‘cloud’ applications, and the various integration, reporting strategy and governance...
The University of Cape Town’s Enterprise data warehouse provides the facility for reporting on the following data marts: Admissions, Student Records, Student Financials, Financial Aid , RMS Housing, HR , Financials General Ledger, Fund Management, Procurement and Payments, Libraries, Lab...
2016 EMEA Building UCTs Enterprise Datawarhouse.pdf
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