Please remember to follow these "Best Practices" when submitting an Enhancement Request.
If you've submited a request and no longer have a need for the request please let the Student Records Advisory Group know and we can close the request for you.
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Brief Description of the Product Enhancement Best Practice document:
The intent of this document is to outline a best practice for tracking, resolving, and communicating Product Enhancements reported by the HEUG community. The best practice details outlined in this document are a list of practices to enable a more comprehensive and effective resolution strategy for enhancements.
Purpose of the Product Enhancement Tracker Best Practice:
The purpose of the Product Enhancement Tracker Best Practice is to present a simplified process for tracking, prioritizing, and resolving enhancements, which in turn will enable greater use of the tools by the community. In addition, the best practice will facilitate a common language, terminology, and procedures for managing, communicating, and prioritizing enhancements.
Product Enhancement Best Practice:
- Customers will log enhancement requests in My Oracle Support (MOS).
- Customers will log enhancement requests in Product Enhancement Tracker (PET). An Oracle Service Request (SR) and Bug Reference (BR) number will NOT be required to complete the submission, however, their inclusion is required within 30 days. Note that the PAG may be able to assist in the location of a BR number where an SR number has been injected. See appendix A for instructions to search using bug numbers in Oracle Support Services.
- The customer will get a confirmation page displayed to them after the successful completion of a PET request.
- The PAG will search MOS monthly for status changes and solutions pertaining to tracked enhancement requests and will update the PET where appropriate.
- The PAG will include enhancement request status updates in their newsletters and/or other forum distributions.
- The PAG will review and prioritize enhancement requests for discussion at the summit each year.
- The PAG will review enhancement requests with Oracle quarterly, paying particular attention to priorities established at the Summit and during prior reviews.
- The PAG will update the PET when Oracle Support Services closes the SR/BR.
- The PAG will monitor forum (listserv) discussions, and where appropriate, suggest that institutions submit enhancement ideas to MOS and the PET.
- The PAG will send email reminders to enhancement request customers who have not submitted SR/BR numbers within 30 days. Reminders will note that SR/BR numbers are required before the PAG can make the enhancement request active. Enhancement requests will be closed if the SR/BR numbers are not added after 30 days.
- The PAG will only track/advocate for active enhancement requests where Oracle SR and Bug Reference numbers are provided. Issues impacting current functionality that are not considered enhancement requests should be reported directly to Oracle Support Services. Note that each product area PAG has the option of tracking bugs and issues that are not considered enhancements outside the PET.
- Navigate to “My Oracle Support” -
- Login in
- Find the search box in the upper right hand corner and enter the “Bug Number.” This is sent from Oracle in the Service Request.
- Drill down on the result to see the “bug” (enhancement) details