This webinar discussed: - Alliance Registration - Coming year expectations & timeline - AG Charter #AdvisoryGroup
By now you know that PUM 19 has been released. But have you looked at everything included with PUM 19? There are 46 bug fixes listed for Student Records, and you can find the list in the Updatesincluded CS 92019.xls spreadsheet, online at My Oracle Support Doc ID: 1641843.2 . From there,...
Aid Year Rollover Do not make a mistake doing aid year rollover, it is hard to recover. As far as timing, some schools have completed theirs, others are at least part way through. There are a couple of things to watch when doing this. A couple of schools are having issues with the rollover not...
Your vote is important! Your vote selects the dedicated volunteers monitoring our communities, engaging members, and advocating on your behalf. Please take the time to vote for the best candidates to ensure our organization’s continued success and effectiveness into the future! View...
Your involvement in our communities means you have knowledge and interest in the issues our members are facing, and we want to hear from you! Our Advisory Groups are the dedicated volunteers monitoring our communities, engaging members, and advocating on your behalf. Please take the time to...
PeopleSoft delivers functionality to allow you to mass assign and mass release service indicators. In this blog post we will cover: Security and access considerations How to write a pop select query which is used by the population selection How to set up the mass assignment of a...
2021 Advisory Group Elections Recognize your fellow members by nominating them for an Advisory Group! Volunteering as a member of an Advisory Group provides an opportunity for you and your institution to participate in the global membership of the HEUG by sharing your experience and...
By now you know that PUM 18 has been released. But have you looked at everything included with PUM 18? There are 37 bug fixes listed for Student Records, and you can find the list in the Updatesincluded CS 92018.xls spreadsheet, online at My Oracle Support Doc ID: 1641843.2 . From there,...
Hello everyone, your Admissions Advisory Group will be posting a series of blogs over a range of topics. We'll start our series by taking a look at PS Query Expressions! You can use expressions as fields, or within criteria. They can help in formatting output for your users and can also...
Hello Student Records Community - We've recently updated our Goals and Objectives for the 2020-2021 year, you will find them below as well as on the SR Community pages. Once you've had the time to review them, please feel free to reach out to us with any ideas, suggestions, comments, or more...
Financial Systems
HCM Systems
Student Success
Connected Campus
Project & Change Management
Career Center
International / Regional
Attendee Terms & Policies
HEUG Code of Conduct