The ERP/HCM Cloud Advisory Group has been working collaboratively over the past year to establish a network of Higher Education peers who will share experiences as well as help guide new institutions toward Oracle Cloud ERP and HCM. Some of the regular activities that are taking place are...
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Campus Community Sponsored Webinar Thursday, November 21 , 2019 | 11:00 AM in Eastern Time UW-Madison's Journey to Oracle Student Management Cloud for NonCredit UW-Madison Division of Continuing Studies has been an Oracle Early Adopter of Oracle Student Management since August...
As universities await the full roll-out of the Oracle Cloud Student system, it is critical that they start to prepare for such a move. Cloud functionality often represents a significant change in the way institutions are used to working as the opportunities to redesign or extend Cloud solutions...
HEUG presentation 23rd Oct 2019 - Dawn McKenzie (Inoapps).pptx
As we all anticipate the fully re-engineered Oracle Cloud Student system, the question arises how universities can start to prepare for the eventual benefits of a SAAS product and potentially make efficiency savings before the new Oracle product is available in the EMEA market. One key...
I had the pleasure of attending the HEUG-sponsored Cloud Symposium at Oracle’s headquarters in Redwood Shores, California in February 2019. The symposium was a gathering of representatives from many HEUG member institutions that are at varying stages on their paths from on-premise to cloud...
The HEUG Board is pleased to announce the addition of the new ERP/HCM Cloud Advisory Group! HEUG formed to enable diverse and early adopter’s institutions to come together and use their collective knowledge to maximize and accelerate the return on investments in these system. The HEUG...
The presentation will describe SU's context and journey since 2013 to renew its SIS and financial systems, the changes in the market that precipitated a revised strategy, the procurement process including dialogue RFIs/RFPs, negotiating SaaS contracts, lessons learnt along the way, and the...
Cloudy with rain, but clearing later.pptx
Title: Oracle Higher-Ed Cloud Initiatives: An Interview with Oracle Strategists Author: Stu Churchill-Hoyer, University of Wisconsin - Madison Blog Series Overview: The Cloud Educational Blog Series is sponsored and hosted by the HEUG Campus Community Advisory Group, with the...
The HEUG held its second Cloud Symposium ( #HEUGCloud19 ) on February 4th & 5th in Redwood Shores, California. This year’s symposium attracted more than twice as many people from higher education institutions as the 2017 Symposium, due to the growing interest in and adoption of cloud...
I wanted to take this opportunity to provide you with a brief update on the activities of the Higher Education User Group (HEUG)™ In recent years HEUG has worked in partnership with Oracle to provide insight and examples of best practice to inform the design of their cloud products. A number...
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