The opportunity to both lead and serve has come once again for qualified HEUG volunteers! Each year, the Higher Education User Group (HEUG) elects new members to serve on the Board of Directors, representing both their home institution and their colleagues globally, as current Directors conclude...
Leading Change Together After much internal and external discussion, the HEUG Board has made the decision that Alliance 2021 will be a virtual, online-only conference. While nothing is as good as an in-person event where we can all collaborate and celebrate together, we are excited...
Greetings and can you believe we are already moving into June 2020? In some ways this year is passing by so fast, and yet in other ways, 2019 seems like a million years ago. I can only imagine what each and every one of you and your family, friends, and colleagues are dealing with both...
TO THE HEUG FAMILY: The global pandemic we find ourselves facing has fundamentally changed the higher education landscape. This has affected nearly every nation and institution across the globe as we struggle with priorities as well as fluid working conditions and locations. It is in this...
I write this update as I am self-quarantined in my house now going on the third week, and we have at least another several weeks more to look forward to as our new reality sets in. It is amazing what we have managed to roll out in support of our institutions in a rapid fashion, things that...
The elections for the HEUG Board of Directors (Term 2020-2023) closed March 3, 2020. The HEUG Board of Directors wishes to thank all of the volunteers who were willing to spend the time and energy it takes to help run this organization. The candidates who were elected are: Barry Hudson , ...
Your profile can make its own first impression so why not make it count! Your profile is an overview of general information about yourself and the skill sets that you possess. There is a myriad of ways to customize and enjoy the features of creating a member profile. An updated profile...
HEUG 2020 Board of Directors Election Closes Today! The election for the HEUG Board of Directors (Term 2020-2023) will be open from February 1, 2020, until March 2, 2020. After review by the nominations and elections committee, the top 5 candidates were selected for this year's election...
HEUG 2020 Board of Directors Election is Closing Soon! The election for the HEUG Board of Directors (Term 2020-2023) will be open from February 1, 2020, until March 2, 2020. After review by the nominations and elections committee, the top 5 candidates were selected for this year's...
Twenty years ago this March I attended my first HigherEd Special Interest Group (SIG) of which we all know now as Alliance! This was a new adventure for me as I had never been on an airplane, and this first adventure began on a prop plane! That plane was shaky and very loud, however, I earned...
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