As the excitement of the annual Alliance conference wears off, we turn our attention to the important tasks at hand, ensuring the value of HEUG membership remains high and increases over time. One of the important ways we’re doing that is through strategic partnerships with organizations across...
At Concordia University, delivering training on Campus Solutions has been a key element since the system was implemented. The different roles and end-user profiles bring multiple challenges for trainers when selecting the best training strategies. In this session, Concordia’s training team will...
Concordia University _Training Evolution_Session 6043_November 13.pptx
Are you currently using User Productivity Kit (UPK) for your PeopleSoft Campus Solutions training needs? At Concordia University, the training team uses UPK extensively to develop and deliver training on the PeopleSoft Campus Solutions Student Information System (SIS). We have created...
2018 CHEUG_6044.pptx
We today live in the cusp of rapidly changing customer expectations. Every customer wants a consistent, personalized experience when interacting with an institution - its products, services and brands. Customer engagement channels are either human-managed thereby lack in providing consistent...
It’s no secret that integrating disparate data and applications across your institution is difficult and there are many factors to consider before implementation of an enterprise integration platform or solution. In this HEUG Board Integrations Work Group blog series, we’ve learned that...
Estudo de viabilidade, renovação e implantação da Arquitetura de Tecnológica para atender o Programa Vida Acadêmica e manter o ambiente legado da Universidade. e A apresentação abordada dois pontos importantes para a operacionalização técnica do programa Vida Acadêmica (PVA) na Unisul. O...
This is th e second in a series of blog articles to be published by the HEUG Board of Directors, Integrations Work Group. We hope that these articles inspire and encourage member institutions to think carefully about integrations and the necessary practices and disciplines needed to manage...
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Inholland heeft maatwerk gebouwd voor het dynamisch bewerken van checklistst. Het SSC laat meerdere tools zien: - Een algemene opzet (mirrorigtechniek) om verschillen per tabel te rapporteren aan leveranciers (via bijvoorbeeld CSV of webservices); - Genereren van DMS-scripts mbv PHP voor...
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Recently Tina Thorstenson, HEUG VP of Technology, blogged about a new tool Oracle has provided to help you understand the benefits in upgrading and in installing new bundles. This is a recap of her blog. The PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Overview (CFO) has been upgraded. It is a great place...
Over the past few years -- and at both 2009 and 2010 Alliance Conferences -- we've heard about the continuous delivery model being embraced by the Oracle team leading the PeopleSoft Campus Solutions product. The new model is vastly appealing since it moves us away from large and expensive...
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